Friday, May 16, 2014
The following images are from the Marvel Fact Files from Eagle Moss Collections. If you like them, check them out at their website and show support. Open the image in a new window and enlarge it.
All-New Marvel Now: Wolverine and the X-Men (2014 - Present), (2011 - 2014)
Wolverine and the X-Men is an ongoing title written by Jason Latour and pencilled by Mahmud Asrar. It focuses on Wolverine's staff and students in the Jean Grey School. The first series written by Jason Aaron ended with #42 in February 2014 and was relaunched in March 2014.
The title was the flagship team of Team Wolverine during Regenesis. It continues to feature Wolverine's X-Men during Marvel Now.
Cyclops' team can be found in Uncanny X-Men, the original X-Men can be found in All-New X-Men while Storm's team can be found in X-Men.
Cyclops' team can be found in Uncanny X-Men, the original X-Men can be found in All-New X-Men while Storm's team can be found in X-Men.
All-New Marvel Now: All-New X-Men (2012 - Present)
All New X-Men is an ongoing title launched in November 2012 with Brian Michael Bendis as writer and Stuart Immonen as penciller. It is a companion book to the Uncanny X-Men with Brian Michael Bendis the writer for both books.
The title sees the original X-Men arrive at the present to attempt to create a better future for mutants.
Wolverine's team can be found in Wolverine and the X-Men and Amazing X-Men while Storm's team can be found in X-Men.
All-New Marvel Now: Uncanny X-Men (2013 - Present)
Uncanny X-Men is a relaunched title released in February 2013. It is written by Brian Michael Bendis (also the writer of All New X-Men) and pencilled by Chris Bachalo and Frazer Irving. It follows Cyclops' X-Men as they recruit new mutants into the New Xavier School.
Wolverine's team can be found in Wolverine and the X-Men and Amazing X-Men, the original X-Men can be found in All-New X-Men while Storm's team can be found in X-Men.
All-New Marvel Now: Amazing X-Men (2013 - Present)
Amazing X-Men is a current title launched in November 2013, written by Jason Aaron and pencilled by Ed McGuinness. It features a team of X-Men from the Jean Grey School being superheroes. Their first mission was to help Nightcrawler defeat his father Azazel in the afterlife.
All-New Marvel Now: X-Men (2013 - Present)
Starting this April, writer Brian Wood teams up with artist Oliver Coipel on the new Marvel Now! ongoing series, X-Men. The title consists of an all-female lineup. more on Marvel..
Wolverine's team can be found in Wolverine and the X-Men and Amazing X-Men, Cyclops' team can be found in Uncanny X-Men while the original X-Men can be found in All-New X-Men.
Wolverine's team can be found in Wolverine and the X-Men and Amazing X-Men, Cyclops' team can be found in Uncanny X-Men while the original X-Men can be found in All-New X-Men.
All-New Marvel Now: Uncanny Avengers (2012 - Present)
Uncanny Avengers is an ongoing title released in Oct 2012. It features an Avengers team with X-Men representation. The team aims to change the way the public looks at mutants by protecting the world as one super team.
All-New Marvel Now: All-New X-Factor (2014)
All New X-Factor is an ongoing title launched in January 2014, written by Peter David and pencilled by Carmine Di Giandomenico. The title features a X-Factor team sponsored by Serval Industries led by Polaris.
Regenesis: Uncanny X-Men (2011-2012)
Uncanny X-Men (vol. 2) was a title handled by a creative team comprising of writer Kieron Gillen as well as pencillers Greg Land and Carlos Pacheco on rotating art duty. It was launched as a new #1 issue following the end of the first series with #544. For more on the first series, check here.. Uncanny X-Men ended with #20. The title was relaunched under Marvel Now as Uncanny X-Men (vol. 3).
This title featured the X-Men under the banner of Cyclops (Scott Summers), who is focused on making the island of Utopia, off the coast of San Francisco, a base for the safeguarding of mutants from extinction.
For other teams under Team Cyclops and Team Wolverine, check out Regenesis.
X-Men Lineups: 2000s Part 5 (Post-Mesiah CompleX to Schism)
From #500 (2008), Uncanny X-Men was co-written by writers Matt Fraction and Ed Brubaker, and pencilled by a rotating cast of Greg Land and Terry Dodson. Brubaker left with #503. Kieron Gillen joined Fraction in issue #531, before the later departed with #534, leaving Gillen the writer. Wilce Portacio pencilled one arc. It was the flagship title of the X-Men during this period of time and featured a whole family of characters. The title ended with #544 and relaunched with a new #1. more..
X-Men (2010 - 2013)
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Presenting Victor Gischler's run in one image |
X-Men vol. 3 is a X-Men series from 2010 to 2013. The title was written by Victor Gischler from #1 - #29 and saw the X-Men interact with the rest of the Marvel universe. Brian Wood took over with #30 till #37. Wood's roster consists of Storm, Colossus, Psylocke, Domino and Pixie. Wood's run was fashioned to be an espionage thriller. Seth Peck wrote the title from #38 to #41. The title is cancelled with #41 and is relaunched as part of Marvel Now, written by Brian Wood.
Generation Hope (2010 - 2012)
Generation Hope is a title featuring a group of teenage mutants including the messiah child Hope and a group of teenage mutants known as the 5 Lights. The title is launched in 2010 and is written by Kieron Gillen and pencilled by Salva Espin, Tim Seely and Steven Sanders. With #13, the title was written by James Asmus and pencilled by Ibraim Roberson. The title ended with #17.
Generation Hope is under Cyclops' banner.
For other teams under Team Cyclops and Team Wolverine, check out Regenesis.
New Mutants (1982-1991), (2009 - 2012)
Brief Overview
The New Mutants is a group of mutant superheroes starring in three series with the same name. The first series was created by Chris Claremont and Bob McLeod in 1983. It ended in 1991 as it was relaunched as X-Force. The second series was launched in 2003 featuring a new group of teenage mutants with the original New Mutants serving as mentors and was relaunched in 2004 as New X-Men: Academy X. The third series was launched in May 2009 reuniting members of the original team. This series is cancelled with #50 on October 2012.
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New Mutants |
Astonishing X-Men (2004 - 2013)
Astonishing X-Men was an ongoing X-Men title launched in 2004 and ended in 2013. It was positioned as the title suitable for new readers who do not want to be bogged down by continuity.
Joss Whedon's Run
X-Men Legacy (2008 - 2012), (2012 - 2014)
The title began its publication in October 1991 as X-Men. From 2001 to 2004, #114 to #156, it is published as New X-Men. With issue #157, the title reverted to its original title. In 2008 with issue #208, the title was re-titled X-Men Legacy. The title is written by Mike Carey and pencilled by a rotating cast of artists. Writer Christos Gage and penciller David Baldeon took over the title with #260.1. The title ends with X-Men Legacy #275 and is relaunched with a new #1 in November 2012. The second volume of X-Men Legacy ended with #25 (renumbered #300) to commemorate the series.
X-Factor Investigations (2005 - 2013)
The X-Factor title is the third volume of the series written by Peter David and features X-Factor Investigations, a detective agency set up by Jamie Madrox. X-Factor Investigations was based in New York.
The title ended in 2013 and will be replaced by the All-New X-Factor written by Peter David too.
X-Men Lineups: 2000s Part 4 (Pre-Messiah CompleX)

X-Men in Space (Uncanny X-Men)
[Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #475 (2006) - Uncanny X-Men #486 (2007)]
Lineups: X-Men
X-Men Lineups: 2000s Part 3 (Reload)

Following the destruction of the Xavier Institute at the hands of Xorn, all the X-Men teams returned and members were reshuffled into 3 teams.
Astonishing X-Men
[Appearance: Astonishing X-Men #1 (2004) - Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men #1 (2008)]
X-Men Lineups: 2000s Part 2 (New X-Men)

The X-Men soon underwent a time of great expansion. There was a boom in Earth's mutant population and secondary mutations granting mutants additional abilities and mutations happened. Storm had already formed a splinter team (X-Treme X-Men). The rest of the X-Men split into teams once again, with the home team featured in New X-Men (formerly X-Men vol. 2) and the away team featured in Uncanny X-Men.
New X-Men (New X-Men (X-Men vol. 2))
[Appearance: New X-Men #114 (2001) - New X-Men #150 (2003)]
Lineups: X-Men
X-Men Lineups: 2000s Part 1 (Revolution)

Revolution X-Men
[X-Men vol.2 #100/Uncanny X-Men #381 (2000)
- X-Men vol.2 #109/Uncanny X-Men #390 (2001)]
Lineups: X-Men
X-Men Lineups: 80s

Post Phoenix-Saga
[Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #138 (1980) to Uncanny X-Men #200 (1985)]
With the departure of the grieving Cyclops, the team was joined by the returning Angel and the young mutant Kitty Pryde. Storm became the team leader and the team soon fought the shape-shifting Mystique and her Brotherhood. The X-Men prevented the Brotherhood from assassinating Senator Robert Kelly, whose death would have triggered the Days of Future Past future in which the robot Sentinels would have killed most mutants and super humans; and go on to control New York City. Angel quit the team after having issues with Wolverine's membership in the team and Cyclops returned in time to fight Magneto.
Ad-hoc X-Men Rosters

New Mutant Graduate X-Men
[Uncanny X-Men Annual #10 (1986)
When the X-Men were turned into children by Mojo, the New Mutants stepped up as X-Men to take the fight to him.]
Lineups: X-Men
Battle of the Atom
X-Men of the future come to the present to make sure the original X-Men return to their proper timeline to prevent a supposedly bad future.
Below is a list of X-crossovers and Marvel-wide crossovers which the X-Men are involved in. The events are arranged in reverse-chronological order.
Battle of the Atom (2013)
Crossover - Past
Age of Apocalypse
For the Age of Apocalypse (2012-2013) series, check the bottom of the page.
1995 - 1996 Age of Apocalypse
Age of Apocalypse is crossover published in the X-Men franchise of comics in 1995 to 1996. During this period of time, the monthly titles were temporarily replaced with new titles. The new titles include Astonishing X-Men, Amazing X-Men, Generation X, Gambit and the Xternals, X-Calibur, Weapon X, X-Man, and Factor X. X-Men Alpha was published as the introduction and X-Men: Omega was published as the conclusion. X-Universe was also published to depict stories regarding the other heroes. Later, prequel series and titles were published. This included X-Men Chronicles #1 and #2, Tales from the Age of Apcalypse: By the Light, Tales from the Age of Apcalypse: Sinister Bloodlines, Blink #1-4, X-Man #-1, X-Men '96 Annual and Blink #1-4. The story takes place in an alternate reality which became known as the 'Age of Apocalypse' reality.
X-Men: The Second Coming

Does the return of Hope signify the destruction of all mutants, or their salvation?
Witness the final fate of the X-Men!
One Will Lead...
One Will Die...
One Will Rise...
One Will Sacrifice...
All Will Unite
X Necrosha

An exciting new X-event crossing over in X-Force, X-Men: Legacy and New Mutants!
When the dead and buried mutant past comes back to haunt the X-Men, can the combined might of three X-teams stop death itself?
Crossover - X Necrosha (2009)
X Necrosha - The Gathering
Crossover - X Necrosha (2009)
Messiah War

Cyclops sent X-Force into the future in pursuit of Cable and Hope. In a dystopian future, X-Force, Cable and Hope have to deal with Stryfe and Bishop.
Crossover - Messiah War (2009)
Messiah Complex

A mutant activation is detected in Alaska and Cyclops and several X-Men investigate, discovering bodies of Purifiers and Marauders. After discovering the source of the battle was for possession of a newborn baby, the group returns home and Cyclops seizes control of the X-Men from Professor X as Predator X detects the newborn mutant, and devours the bodies of the dead Marauders present.
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