History of the Student Body
Base of Operations: 1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center, New York; (Generation X's Xavier's School) Massachusetts Academy, Snow Valley, Massachusetts

[X-Men #1 (1963) - Uncanny X-Men #200 (1985)]
Students: Cyclops (Scott Summers), Iceman (Bobby Drake), Beast (Hank McCoy), Angel (Warren Worthington III) and Marvel Girl (Jean Grey) (more on this era of X-Men...)
Faculty: Professor X (Headmaster), Dr. Moira MacTaggert (masqueraded as groundskeeper)
Students: Colossus (Piotr Rasputin), Katherine Pryde, Illyana Rasputin (more on this era of X-Men...)
Moira Ann Kinross MacTaggert
Current Status
Deceased, Killed in an explosion caused by Mystique in X-Men vol. 2 #108 (2001)
Known Relatives
Deceased, Killed in an explosion caused by Mystique in X-Men vol. 2 #108 (2001)
Known Relatives
Lord Kinross (father, deceased), Joseph MacTaggart (husband,deceased), Kevin MacTaggart (Proteus, son, deceased), Rahne Sinclair (Wolfsbane, foster daughter)
After a long time, she managed to find a cure for the virus. However, Muir Island was attacked by Mystique and her Brotherhood. She suffered grave injuries in an explosive caused by Mystique but was able to pass the formula of the cure to Professor X via telepathic contact just before dying. Beast later developed that cure, which was released into Earth's atmosphere after Colossus sacrificed himself to disperse it.
The daughter of a powerful Scottish nobleman, Moira met fellow student Charles Xavier while studying genetics and mutation at college and fell in love with him. They became engaged but it was annulled after Xavier was drafted into military service. She eventually married ex-boyfriend Joseph MacTaggert, a thuggish and abusive Royal Marine commando. After she was sexually assaulted by him, she lived apart from him, keeping her pregnancy a secret. She gave birth to a son Kevin who later began to manifest destructive mutant powers.
The daughter of a powerful Scottish nobleman, Moira met fellow student Charles Xavier while studying genetics and mutation at college and fell in love with him. They became engaged but it was annulled after Xavier was drafted into military service. She eventually married ex-boyfriend Joseph MacTaggert, a thuggish and abusive Royal Marine commando. After she was sexually assaulted by him, she lived apart from him, keeping her pregnancy a secret. She gave birth to a son Kevin who later began to manifest destructive mutant powers.
Moira became a leading geneticist, earning a Nobel Prize and founded a Mutant Research Center on Muir Island, off the coast of Scotland. She used the facility to attempt to imprison Kevin and find a cure for him, though her efforts were in vain. She also helped Xavier set up his Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters. She also took in mutant students of her own in a facility an hour from the Xavier Institute. Her students were recruited by Xavier to form an ad-hoc X-Men team to rescue the original X-Men, who had been trapped in the mutant-island Krakoa. The mission turned out to be a disaster as all the members were believed dead.
She moved into the Institute pretending to be the housekeeper. She met and fell in love with X-Man Banshee (Sean Cassidy). Kevin escaped the Muir Island Research Centre and began to use his powers to possess the bodies of others, draining their life energies to warp perceptions of reality. He possessed his father's body, killing him before he was destroyed by Colossus.
Moira had also taken in a young mutant Scottish girl named Rahne Sinclair as a ward. Rahne was discovered to be a mutant. With the X-Men believed dead, Moira persuaded Xavier to re-open his school. She sending Rahne to study at the Xavier's Institute as a member of the New Mutants. The X-Men would return from seeming death. When Magneto was reduced to an infant by his own creation Alpha, she was placed in the care of Moira. Moira took the opportunity to tamper with Magneto's genetics, seeking to eliminate his violent tendencies. Magneto went on to reform and even took over Professor X as headmaster of the Xavier Institute.
When the X-Men was believed dead again, Moira and Banshee form a team in Muir Island. However, her behavior started to become erratic and she grew a temper. She began to pit her charges against each other in an arena of merciless battles. Eventually, it was revealed that the inhabitants of the Island were possessed by the malicious psychic entity Shadow King. They were liberated by Professor Xavier.
When Magneto discovered Moira's tampering of his genetics, he was enraged and took Moira captive. It was revealed that when the X-Factor gene that gives mutants powers become activated, her procedure would be reversed. This meant that everything that Magneto had done was of his own free will. Moira eventually escaped but was unable to accept her betrayal of the X-Men, leaving the Institute with Banshee in pursuit.
The mutant-killing Legacy Virus soon struck the population. Moira dedicated herself to working for a cure for the virus. Meanshile, she accepted the British superteam Excalibur to take up residence on Muir Island, helping the team out. She contracted the Legacy Virus, becoming the first human to do so.
After a long time, she managed to find a cure for the virus. However, Muir Island was attacked by Mystique and her Brotherhood. She suffered grave injuries in an explosive caused by Mystique but was able to pass the formula of the cure to Professor X via telepathic contact just before dying. Beast later developed that cure, which was released into Earth's atmosphere after Colossus sacrificed himself to disperse it.
She was recently returned from the dead briefly alongside other deceased X-Men.
New Mutants
Students: Rogue (Anna Marie), Cannonball (Sam Guthrie), Mirage (Dani Moonstar), Sunspot (Bobby Da Costa), Karma (Xi'an Coy Mahn), Wolfsbane (Rahne Sinclair), Magma (Amara Aquilla), Magik (Illyana Rasputin), Cypher (Doug Ramsey) and Warlock (more on New Mutants..)
Stevie Hunter
Current Status
Stevie Hunter was a professional dancer but an injury to her knee ended her career. As a result, she began teaching dance classes at a studio in Salem Center. She took on Katherine Pryde as a student when she a new recruit in the X-Men, eventually becoming best friends. Later, Stevie also began physical education classes for the student team New Mutants. She became a long-time ally of the X-Men, knowing their secrets.
She was captured by the villainous Arcade but rescued by the X-Men. She was also present much later when forces of the nation Genosha attacked the X-Mansion and kidnapped members and allies of the X-Men. Later, she helped Professor X subdue Colossus, who had been mind-controlled by the malevolent psychic entity Shadow King.
Current Status
Stevie Hunter was a professional dancer but an injury to her knee ended her career. As a result, she began teaching dance classes at a studio in Salem Center. She took on Katherine Pryde as a student when she a new recruit in the X-Men, eventually becoming best friends. Later, Stevie also began physical education classes for the student team New Mutants. She became a long-time ally of the X-Men, knowing their secrets.
She was captured by the villainous Arcade but rescued by the X-Men. She was also present much later when forces of the nation Genosha attacked the X-Mansion and kidnapped members and allies of the X-Men. Later, she helped Professor X subdue Colossus, who had been mind-controlled by the malevolent psychic entity Shadow King.
Current Status
While Tom is not a mutant, he gained moderately enhanced strength due to the Demon Bear's enchantment on his body.
Tom Corsi was a member of the police department in Westchester County. Tom was present in the hospital when the New Mutants were attacked by the Demon Bear. Tom along with ER nurse Sharon Friedlander were captured by the Bear which transformed them into his demonic slaves. After the New Mutants defeated the Bear, Tom and Sharon returned to their human form but found that they now physically resemble Native Americans even though they were Caucasians. Tom and Sharon were later mentally attacked by the New Mutants' adversary Empath, who twisted the their mutual attraction into a sexual obsession which lasted for days. After they were liberated, they became staff members at the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.
Tom and Sharon made their way to Moira MacTaggert's Muir Island where he was involved in a battle with the cyborg Reavers. Staying on in the Island, he was one of the inhabitants manipulated by the malevolent psychic entity Shadow King.
After the Shadow King was defeated by Professor Xavier, Tom and Sharon became part of Xavier's Mutant Underground, working at 'Our Mother of the Sacred Heart', a school for the handicapped. The school came under attack by the mutant fanatical Acolytes. Sharon was slain by Joanna Cargill before the Acolytes were defeated by the X-Men.
Some time later, Tom became a gym teacher at the Massachusetts Academy, teaching the student team Generation X. When Generation X was disbanded, he moved back to the Xavier Institute and continued to be the physical education teacher.
Sharon Friedlander
Current Status
Deceased, Killed by Acolyte Joanna Cargill in Uncanny X-Men #298 (1993)
While Sharon is not a mutant, she gained moderately enhanced strength, increased speed and reflexes due to the Demon Bear's enchantment on her body.
Sharon Friedlander was an ER nurse. She was present in the hospital when the New Mutants were attacked by the Demon Bear. Sharon, along with police officer Tom Corsi were captured by the Bear which transformed them into his demonic slaves. After the New Mutants defeated the Bear, Tom and Sharon returned to their human form but found that they now physically resemble Native Americans even though they were Caucasians. Tom and Sharon were later mentally attacked by the New Mutants' adversary Empath, who twisted the their mutual attraction into a sexual obsession which lasted for days. After they were liberated, they became staff members at the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Sharon and Tom made their way to Moira MacTaggert's Muir Island. Staying on in the Island, se was one of the inhabitants manipulated by the malevolent psychic entity Shadow King. After the Shadow King was defeated by Professor Xavier, Tom and Sharon became part of Xavier's Mutant Underground, working at 'Our Mother of the Sacred Heart', a school for the handicapped. The school came under attack by the mutant fanatical Acolytes. Sharon was slain by Joanna Cargill before the Acolytes were defeated by the X-Men.
[Generation X #1 (1994) - Generation X #75 (2001)]
Xavier returned to Earth some time later and had the mansion rebuilt. New X-Man Jubilee became the next student. When the techno-organic alien Phalanx invaded Earth, they gathered several young mutants who were subsequently rescued by the X-Men. Seeing the need once more for a school but wanting a safer location as opposed to the often-attacked mansion, Xavier convinced the reformed Emma Frost to turn her Massachusetts Academy into the new Xavier's Institute for Higher Learning. Emma and former X-Man Banshee became co-headmasters and the class became known as Generation X. Generation X disbanded later, ending the third era of Xavier's students.
Faculty: Banshee (co-headmaster), Emma Frost (co-headmistress), Tom Corsi (physical education teacher), Bumpkin (driver)
Xavier returned to Earth some time later and had the mansion rebuilt. New X-Man Jubilee became the next student. When the techno-organic alien Phalanx invaded Earth, they gathered several young mutants who were subsequently rescued by the X-Men. Seeing the need once more for a school but wanting a safer location as opposed to the often-attacked mansion, Xavier convinced the reformed Emma Frost to turn her Massachusetts Academy into the new Xavier's Institute for Higher Learning. Emma and former X-Man Banshee became co-headmasters and the class became known as Generation X. Generation X disbanded later, ending the third era of Xavier's students.
Students: Jubilee (Jubilation Lee), Husk (Paige Guthrie), Chamber (Jonathan Starsmore), Skin (Angelo Espinosa), Synch (Everett Thomas), M (Monet St. Croix), Penance, Claudette St. Croix, Nicole St. Croix, Artie Maddicks, Leech, Mondo Clone, Franklin Richards, Gaia, Maggot (Japheth)
(more on Generation X..)
Green Skin
Current Status
Bumpkin served as driver for Emma Frost when she was co-headmistress of the Massachusetts Academy and instructor of Generation X.
New X-Men
(New X-Men #117 (2001) - New X-Men #156 (2004))
New Mutants v2
(New Mutants v2 #1 (2003) - New Mutants v2 #13 (2004)
Green Skin
Current Status
Bumpkin served as driver for Emma Frost when she was co-headmistress of the Massachusetts Academy and instructor of Generation X.
New X-Men
(New X-Men #117 (2001) - New X-Men #156 (2004))
New Mutants v2
(New Mutants v2 #1 (2003) - New Mutants v2 #13 (2004)

Sometime later, Xavier's twin sister Cassandra Nova temporarily possessed him and under control outed Xavier's Institute as a mutant school and opens its doors to mutants around the world. The student body was the largest since the founding of the X-Men. Since then, students have been a feature of the X-books. Soon after the ranks of the student body swelled to about 152 students, a Special Class was formed with new X-Man Xorn as the mentor. The class is meant for students with special needs and attention. Later, a student known as Quentin Quire created a rebel Omega Gang to instigate a riot during the Open Day ceremony until the Gang was stopped by the X-Men. Meanwhile, former New Mutant Dani Moonstar was tasked with recruiting students into the Xavier Institute. She recruited Wind Dancer, Prodigy, Wither, Elixir and Surge among others. The new mutants fought the cyborg Donald Pierce and his Reavers. Former New Mutant Karma also went back to help in the Institute. Xorn was driven insane by the power-enhancing drug Kick and ran rampant, destroying the Xavier Institute and much of New York City. After Xorn was defeated, Professor X left the Institute, handing headmastership to Cyclops and Emma Frost.
Students: 152 students including Special Class, Omega Gang, Wind Dancer, Prodigy, Wither, Elixir, Surge and Others
Special Class

The Special Class was mentored by Kuan-Yin Xorn. When the Omega Gang instigated riots during the Open Day ceremony, Dummy was killed in the melee. Kuan-Yin Xorn subsequently went rogue, masqueraded as Magneto and turned his class into the Brotherhood of Mutants. Basilisk was killed by Xorn. The rest of the class rebelled and assisted Cyclops to defeat Xorn. The class was disbanded after Xorn was defeated.
From Left to Right
Angel Salvadore
Winged flight, acidic spit, depowered
Known Relatives
Tito Bohusk (son), Axel Bohusk (son), Kara Bohusk (daughter), and three other unnamed children
Angel was caught by the U-Men but rescued by Wolverine and brought to the Institute. She was placed in the Special Class where she had a relationship with fellow student Beak which resulted in her giving birth to six children. Angel was depowered during M-Day. She was given a costume with technologically based powers and served as Tempest in the New Warriors.
Active: New X-Men #120 (2002)
Basilisk (Mike Columbus)
Paralyzing eye beams
Basilisk was killed by Kuan-Yin Xorn (Magneto imposter) during the later's assault on New York. (New X-Men #149 (2004))
Active: New X-Men #135 (2003)
Beak (Barnell Bohusk)
Avian body, depowered Technologically based flight and energy blasts when under the Blackwing alias
Known Relatives
Tito Bohusk (son), Axel Bohusk (son), Kara Bohusk (daughter), and three other unnamed children
Beak and Angel had a relationship which resulted in her giving birth to six children.
When he disagreed with Kuan-Yin Xorn's ways while in the Brotherhood, he escaped and found his way to Cyclops. Joining Cyclops' ad-hoc X-Men team, he assisted in stopping Xorn.
Beak was depowered during M-Day.
He was given a costume with technologically based powers and served as Blackwing in the New Warriors.
Active: New X-Men #120 (2002)
No-Girl (Martha Johnasson)
No-Girl is good friends with Ernst and is often seen with her.
Active: New X-Men #134 (2003)
Enhanced strength
Ernst is hinted to be Cassandra Nova trapped in the body of the Shi'ar Imperial Superguardian, Stuff.
Dummy (Dean Boswell)
Gaseous form
Dummy was killed in the melee during the Open Day ceremony riots led by the Omega Gang.
Omega Gang
(New X-Men #135 (2003) - New X-Men #138 (2003))
The Omega Gang was formed by Quentin Quire. When he learned that he was adopted, he suffered from an identity crisis and began to challenge Professor X's philosophies. Abusing the power-enhancing drug Kick, he gathered like-minded students to rebel against the Institute establishment. The team held Professor X hostage and instigated a riot during the Institute's Open Day ceremony. The Omega Gang was stopped by the telepathic Stepford Cuckoo with the sacrifice of one of their members, Sophie. Quentin Quire evolved into a non-corporeal entity while the rest of the Omega Gang was sent to prison.
Redneck (Vincent Steward)
Generates heat from arms
Redneck lost his powers after M-Day.
He joined the New Warriors team as Skybolt, using weaponry and flight pack derived from the designs of the Beetle. He died while fighting the Zodiac.
Active: New X-Men #126 (2002)
Radian (Christian Cord)
Generates blinding light
Radian and Tattoo are siblings
Radian lost his powers after M-Day.
Christian joined the New Warriors team as Phaser, generating intense bursts of energy from the chest of his armor as well as deflecting energy through specialized gauntlets on his arms.
Active: New X-Men #126 (2002)
Omega level telepath and telekinetic
After his attempted riot was stopped, Kid Omega's body began burning out by his own powers caused by the drug Kick. Beast failed to stabilize himself and Xorn was asked to help Kid Omega along. In fact, Kid Omega evolved into a non-corporeal form dormant in Beast's laboratory.When the Phoenix Force returned to Earth, it sensed Quentin Quire. Although the Force passed Quentin as a possible host for it, Quentin regain consciousness and reconstituted his body. Quentin asked the Force to resurrect his lover Sophie but she was disgusted by him and chose to return to death. In anguish, Quentin returned to his previous non-corporeal state.
He later resurfaced and attempted to destroy the Utopia Island but was stopped by fellow student Martha Johansson and the Stepford Cuckoos.
Active: New X-Men #126 (2002)
Bio-paraffin body
Glob Herman is still powered after M-Day and was seen participating in the riots in San Francisco.Active: New X-Men #117 (2001)
Bio-disruptive phasing and motive skin patterns
Radian and Tattoo are siblingsTattoo lost her powers after M-Day.
She joined the New Warriors team as Longstrike, using a version of the Stilt-Man armor which allows her to elongate her limbs and enhance her strength
Active: New X-Men #126 (2002)
Several students from the Special Class and the Omega Gang later joined the New Warriors team.
Other Students
The following students were introduced in New X-Men [#114 (2001) - #156 (2004)]
Forearm (Marcus Tucker)
Extended forearms
Forearm was in an ad-hoc X-Men team fighting against Kuan-Yin Xorn. (2004)
Debuted in New X-Men #117 (2001)
Cephalopod (Molly Stanwick)
Tentacle limbs
Debuted in New X-Men #117 (2001)
Molly escorted new human student Walter Lambert to meet the staff in Chamber #4.
Crater (Erik Hallgrimsson)
Extended durability
Debuted in New X-Men #117 (2001)
Pako (Cirlio Crisologo)
Plant body
Debuted in New X-Men #117 (2001)
Esme Cuckoo
Esme was in the quintuplet group Stepford Cuckoo. She joined Kuan Yin Xorn's Brotherhood of Mutants after the death of sister Sophie. After angering Xorn, she was killed by him. (New X-Men #150 (2004))
Debuted in New X-Men #118 (2001)
Sophie Cuckoo
Esme was in the quintuplet group Stepford Cuckoo. She sacrificed herself to defeat the rebelling Omega Gang which caused school riots at the Xavier Institute. (New X-Men #137 (2003))
Debuted in New X-Men #118 (2001)
Choir (Irina Clayton)
Multiple mouths on neck, project voices
Irina was in an ad-hoc X-Men team fighting against Kuan-Yin Xorn. (2004)
Debuted in New X-Men #119 (2001)
Eosimias (Hong Lianje)
Tiger-like appearance, flight
Debuted in New X-Men #123 (2002)
Mentat (Robert Zepheniah)
Debuted in New X-Men #124 (2002)
Contact (Frida Rivera)
Debuted in New X-Men #126 (2002)
Spike (Gary Walsh)
Extend spikes from body
Debuted in New X-Men #126 (2002)
Stalwart (Adewale Ekoku)
Bulks up to enhance strength
Debuted in New X-Men #126 (2002)
Keratin (Dave Finn)
Clawed fingers
Debuted in New X-Men #126 (2002)
Polymer (Dana Holmes)
Sprays viscous liquid, telepath
Debuted in New X-Men #126 (2002)
Imp (Anders Nobel)
Horned appearance
Debuted in New X-Men #126 (2002)
Butterfly (Lucy Priest)
Winged flight
Debuted in New X-Men #131 (2002)
Slick (Quincy Marrow)
Illusory self-image
Debuted in New X-Men #134 (2003)
Slick used his powers to make him look more attractive. He had an argument with fellow student Quentin Quire over an issue, after which Quentin used his telepathic powers to undo Slick's image.
Elf (Natalie Wood)
Generates solid-proton objects
Debuted in New X-Men #134 (2002)
Longneck (William Hanover)
Elongated neck
William was in an ad-hoc X-Men team fighting against Kuan-Yin Xorn. (2004)
Debuted in New X-Men #140 (2003)

Hothead (Germaine Caruso)
Active in New X-Men #156 (2004)

Hothead (Germaine Caruso)
Active in New X-Men #156 (2004)
Hothead formed a brief relationship with fellow student Mindee Cuckoo. Hothead died in a fire set off by anti-mutant protesters while the mutants were staying in a temporary shelter following the destruction of the Xavier Institute at the hands of Xorn.
The following two students were introduced in Uncanny X-Men [#410 (2002) - #443 (2004)]
Squid-Boy (Samuel Pare)
Samuel's mutation caused him to physically resemble a fish. He was suicidal but was recruited in his home in Canada by Professor Xavier into his Institute. On route back the the Institute, Professor X took a detour to Ireland to aid the X-Men. Sammy saved Xavier's stepbrother and former villain Juggernaut from drowning in the ocean and both of them began a friendship. Juggernaut reformed and joined the X-Men. When Sammy's mother discovered the friendship, she called upon Canada's Alpha Flight to bring her son back. Suspecting that Sammy's father was physically abusing him, Juggernaut went to Canada to investigate, destroying the Pare home when he discovered Sammy in bruises. Juggernaut was incarcerated but Sammy's mother testified on his behalf. After Juggernaut's release, he returned to the Institute with Sammy and his mother, who entertained the thought of a romantic relationship with Juggernaut.
Shortly after, Juggernaut infiltrated the Brotherhood of Mutants as a double agent. Sammy was unaware of it and when he stumbled on a meeting outside the school grounds, he felt betrayed. He was discovered by Black Tom Cassidy of the Brotherhood, who killed him.
Debuted in Uncanny X-Men #410 (2002)
Carter Ghazikhanian
Telepathy, Telekinesis
After a Brotherhood of Mutants attack on the Institute caused its destruction, Annie broke off her relationship and took Carter away from the Institute, fearing for her son's safety. Carter was seen conversing telepathically with an unknown entity. It is unsure if he is one of the mutants who lost their powers during M-Day.
Debuted in Uncanny X-Men #413 (2002)
The following students were introduced in Xtreme X-Men #20 (2003)
Jeffrey Garrett
Teleporter, Ghost form
Jeffrey and his siblings were the prisoners of Elias Bogan at his lodge in Alaska. When Bogan had Jeffrey's family killed, the young boy escaped and teleported Bogan's associates to a glacier, where they froze to death. Wanted for murder, Jeffrey sought asylum at the Xavier Institute and was looked after by Emma Frost. Bishop and Sage, members of a breakaway X-Men team wanted to bring Jeffrey in but were repelled by Jeffrey's fellow students Gloom, Overlay, Rubbermaid, Silicon and Tantra. However, their memories of this event were wiped away.
Jeffrey was killed when the Magneto-imposter Xorn attacked the Institute. He died but left his spirit behind. Believing Xavier's to not be safe, he briefly terrorized the new students at the Institute in an effort to get them to leave. He was stopped by the New Mutants student squad and Jeffrey was placed in Karma's care. During M-Day, Jeffrey lost his ghost form and is now dead.
Gloom (Jordan Lewis)
Generates darkness
Overlay (Zach Halliwell)
Overlays one mind with another
Silicon (Stan Finch)
Liquid body
Tantra (Reuben O'Hara)
Introduced in X-Men Unlimited v1 #36 (2002)
Ruth Durie
Small tail
Elanor Sandford
Spotted body
The following students were introduced in New Mutants v2 [#1 (2003) - #12 (2004)]
Leong and Nga Coy Manh
Powers yet to manifest
Leong and Nga are the twin siblings of X-Man Karma (Xi'an Coy Manh). The twins made it to the United States from native Vietnam via a small, cramped boat which was boarded by Thai pirates along the way. Xi'an and her mother were raped by the pirates and their mother died shortly thereafter. Raised by Xi'an, the twins had help from a program run by the Catholic priest Father Michael Bowen. Karma eventually became a recruit in Professor X's New Mutants and she became Xavier's secretary to earn a salary to raise her siblings. Later, Leong and Nga were kidnapped by Shinobi Shaw and sold to Viper and Spiral. With the aid of fellow X-Men Cannonball and Beast, Karma located and freed her siblings. Much later, they moved to Chicago. Eventually, Karma was brought back to Xavier's and the twins were placed in a class for younger students.
(Joined as students in New Mutants #4 (2003))
Gelatin (Carlo Brewster)
Gelatin form
Debuted in New Mutants v2 #7 (2004)
Viskid (Adrian Defoe)
Sticky liquid form
Debuted in New Mutants v2 #7 (2004)
Caput (Abraham Verne)
Living energy animating skeleton
Debuted in New Mutants v2 #7 (2004)
Walter Lambert
The following students were introduced in New Mutants v2 [#1 (2003) - #12 (2004)]
Leong and Nga Coy Manh
Powers yet to manifest
Leong and Nga are the twin siblings of X-Man Karma (Xi'an Coy Manh). The twins made it to the United States from native Vietnam via a small, cramped boat which was boarded by Thai pirates along the way. Xi'an and her mother were raped by the pirates and their mother died shortly thereafter. Raised by Xi'an, the twins had help from a program run by the Catholic priest Father Michael Bowen. Karma eventually became a recruit in Professor X's New Mutants and she became Xavier's secretary to earn a salary to raise her siblings. Later, Leong and Nga were kidnapped by Shinobi Shaw and sold to Viper and Spiral. With the aid of fellow X-Men Cannonball and Beast, Karma located and freed her siblings. Much later, they moved to Chicago. Eventually, Karma was brought back to Xavier's and the twins were placed in a class for younger students.
(Joined as students in New Mutants #4 (2003))
Gelatin (Carlo Brewster)
Gelatin form
Debuted in New Mutants v2 #7 (2004)
Viskid (Adrian Defoe)
Sticky liquid form
Debuted in New Mutants v2 #7 (2004)
Caput (Abraham Verne)
Living energy animating skeleton
Debuted in New Mutants v2 #7 (2004)
The following students were introduced in other series
Walter Lambert
Human exchange student
Walter was a human student at the Empire State University who thought Xavier's Institute was a mutant terrorist camp. He changed his stance after an encounter with X-Man Chamber, after which he requested to be an exchange student at the Xavier's Institute to study Chemistry under Beast.
(Joined in Chamber #4 (2003))
New X-Men Academy X - Squads
(New X-Men: Academy X #1 (2004) - New X-Men #20 (2006))
(New X-Men: Academy X #1 (2004) - New X-Men #20 (2006))
Faculty: Cyclops (co-headmaster), Emma Frost (co-headmistress), Beast (teacher), Wolverine (teacher), Storm (teacher), Dani Moonstar (teacher), Karma (teacher), Magma (teacher), Wolfsbane (teacher), Northstar (teacher), Iceman (teacher), Gambit (teacher), Rogue (teacher), Annie Ghazikhanian (school nurse), Alicia Downing (guidance counselor)
Students: Below
Students: Below
New Mutants
Mentor: Mirage (Dani Moonstar)
[New X-Men Academy X #1 (2004) - New X-Men #20 (2006)]
Wind Dancer, Wither, Wallflower, Prodigy, Elixir and Surge enrolled in the Institute at various points of time in the New Mutants v2 series and became friends. They became part of the New Mutants student squad under the mentorship of Dani Moonstar. Wind Dancer took on the role of leader. The New Mutants became rivals with Emma Frost's Hellions student squad. The FBI soon came for Wither for his role in the death of his father. Dani aided the FBI in taking in Wither in the hopes of helping Wither get proven innocent from due legal process. However, the Hellions student squad attempted to rescue Wither with the New Mutants stopping the Hellions. Wither was eventually found innocent and released, after which he joined the Hellions, angry over Dani's role in his capture. Icarus from the Hellions made the switch to the New Mutants. Wind Dancer then persuaded Prodigy to become co-leader.
Prodigy learnt that he had mental blocks which can be removed, allowing him to permanently retain the knowledge he absorbed. However, he experienced a telepathic illusion created by Dani and Emma Frost of a possible future in which he used his powers to bring about a utopia on Earth through genocide and the killing of his friends and the X-Men. His wife Surge overloaded her powers, killing them both in order to stop him. The illusions ended and he rejected having his mental blocks removed.
The members of the New Mutants squad soon had arguments with each other. Prodigy became distant from Surge due to memories from his illusions. The squad ostracized Elixir over his relationship with a teacher, Rahne Sinclair. Prodigy was unhappy with Wallflower for using him to make Elixir jealous. Wind Dancer organized a campfire during which the squad resolved its differences.
M-Day happened and the majority of the mutant population lost their powers. The student squads were dissolved and Emma Frost created a New X-Men team with some members from the New Mutants student squad.

Surge (Noriko Ashida)
Ability to absorb electricity and rechannel it into speed and offensive bursts
Current Status
Group Affiliations
Formerly New X-Men, New Mutants student squad
Active: New Mutants vol. 2 #10 (2004)
Noriko was born in Japan but ran away from home when she was thirteen after her powers manifested. She ended up living homeless on the streets of Salem Centre when she went to the Institute gates pleading for help. However, she was chased away by the student Hellion.
She was eventually brought to the Institute by Wolfsbane, Elixir, Wind Dancer, Wallflower and Prodigy and Beast designed a pair of gauntlets that will regulate her electricity powers. Nori became a student at Xavier and became roommates with the Muslim Dust. They had disagreements over the accepted role of women.
Noriko became part of the New Mutants student squad and eventually became a couple with teammate David Alleyne (Prodigy).
Noriko retained her powers after M-Day and was placed as leader of the New X-Men student team. She led the New X-Men team through several missions. Fearing for the safety of David, who lost his powers after M-Day, Noriko began to push David away in the hopes of driving him away from the school and out of harm's way. Their relationship eventually ended.
Cyclops disbanded the X-Men and shut down the Institute after the Messiah Complex crossover. Surge made her way to Colorado seeking help from former mentor Dani Moonstar, who counseled Surge on how to deal with the pain that came with being a mutant. Surge rejoined the other mutants as they relocated to San Francisco. She aided the X-Men in fighting off the Skrull invasion.
She was later kidnapped along with Boom Boom and Hellion by the Sapien League before they were rescued by X-Force. Surge went on to help the X-Men in several missions.

Elixir (Josh Foley)
Able to heal with his touch by manipulating the body on a genetic level
Current Status
Unknown, Formerly active in X-Force
Known Relatives
Dani Moonstar (Mirage, legal guardian)
Group Affiliations
Formerly X-Force, New X-Men, New Mutants student squad, Reavers
Active: New Mutants vol. 2 #6 (2003)
Josh joined the anti-mutant Reavers group led by the cyborg Donald Pierce. The Reavers clashed with Dani Moonstar, Karma and several new students including Laurie Collins.Laurie was injured but when Josh's powers manifested, he managed to heal her. Now a mutant, Josh reluctantly joined the Xavier Institute and became roommate with David Alleyne, who disliked him for his role in the Reavers. Josh's parents signed legal guardianship over to Dani Moonstar.
When a depowered Rahne Sinclair, formerly the New Mutant Wolfsbane visited the Xavier Institute, Josh became attracted to her. When they shared a kiss while on a night out, Josh healed Rahne, whose wolf powers were unleashed. Losing control, Rahne severely injured Josh, who was rescued by fellow student Laurie Collins (Wallflower). Beast, with David, Laurie and Surge woke Josh up and his own powers healed him. As an unexpected side effect, Josh's hair and skin turned gold.
Josh was later placed in the New Mutant student squad under the mentorship of Dani.. Josh and Rahne continued seeing each other until Rahne witnessed Josh on a date with Laurie and ended the relationship. Another student, Wither, had a crush on Laurie and revealed Rahne and Josh's previous relationship to the school. As a result, the New Mutants team ostracized Josh for dating a teacher while Rahne left the Institute. The New Mutants squad had a gathering in which they resolved their differences during which Josh reconciled with Laurie, forming a relationship with her.
Elixir retained his powers after M-Day and made it to the New X-Men team. He witnessed the death of his girlfriend Wallflower at the hands of the Purifiers, Reverend William Stryker's anti-mutant team. When William Stryker led an attack on the Xavier Institute, Elixir used a newly manifested power to kill Stryker, his body turning black in the process. When X-23 was mortally wounded while out on a mission with Hellion, the latter rushed her back to the Institute and got Josh to heal her, after which Josh's skin reverted back to gold. Josh then became close to fellow student Loa.
Josh was injured during the Messiah Complex crossover. He recovered in time to cure Rahne from a heroin overdose caused by the Purifiers. He became aware of the existence of X-Force, Cyclops' strike team and eventually joined the team. Elixir accompanied the team to the future in the Messian War crossover to locate the messiah child Hope. He befriended Hope and learnt of her true nature while healing her.
During the Necrosha crossover, Elixir was part of the X-Force team that traveled to Necrosha to stop the would-be goddess Selene. In the process, he fought Wither, now one of Selene's henchmen. He killed Wither and after Selene's ploy was stopped, he left X-Force.
Prodigy (David Alleyne)
Knowledge mimicry of limited radius, formerly
Current Status
Active in Young Avengers
Group Affiliations
formerly New X-Men, New Mutant student squad
Active: New Mutants vol. 2 #4 (2003)
David is a naturally intelligent boy. His manifested his powers as a teenager and realized that he had the ability to know anything people nearby him know. As a result, answers to his exams and assignments began to appear in his head whenever he was in the same room as his teachers. David became driven to study harder. He took college-level courses while finishing high school and attempted to keep his mutation a secret until the anti-mutant Purity group outed him to his parents and attempted to attack him. he was rescued by the librarian at his school, the former New Mutant Karma and her former teammate Dani Moonstar.
David enrolled at the Xavier Institute and became roommates with Josh Foley. David was initially hostile toward Josh due to the latter's past as an anti-mutant bigot before he discovered his own mutant powers. Later, David and Josh were part of the New Mutants student squad and David eventually became co-leader along with Surge. David underwent an illusion of a possible future in which he removed his mental blocks and was able to permanently retain the knowledge he absorbed. In this illusion created by Dani and Emma Frost, David gained the knowledge of the the most important and intellectual individuals in the world, bringing a near-utopia to Earth, albeit at the hidden cost of genocide and the killing of his friends and the X-Men. The illusion ended with Surge, his wife, overloading her powers and killing them both in order to stop him. This illusion caused David to reject having his mental blocks removed and caused him to ignore his feelings for Noriko. They eventually resolved their differences and David began a relationship with her.
David lost his powers after M-Day. Planning to leave the Institute, David revealed that he built a "Danger Cave" to replace the destroyed Danger Room before he lost his powers. David's parents and Cyclops decided it would be safer for him to remain at the mansion. David helped the New X-Men student team, using his natural intelligence to help his friends. Fearing for David's safety, Surge tried to push him away. Their relationship eventually came to an end. David was confronted by the Stepford Cuckoos, who removed his mental blocks, which restored all the past knowledge and skills he absorbed when he had his powers.
David joined the other mutants who relocated to San Francisco. He has since assisted the X-Men in several missions in a non-fighting capacity. He was last seen as a member of the Young Avengers.

Wind Dancer (Sofia Mantega)
Air manipulation; Flight; Long-distance eavesdropping, formerly
Current Status
Depowered, Unknown
Group Affiliations
formerly New Mutants student squad
Active: New Mutants vol. 2 #2 (2003)
Sofia was born in Caracas, Venezuela. While under the care of her uncle, Sofia's mother was killed in a riot in town. Her uncle refused to take care of her, so she was sent to her father, who had previously not aware of her existence. Her father Walter Barrett was an occupied businessman with no time for her daughter.
After hearing someone say that no one liked her behind her back, she snapped. Going to one of her father's stores, he let loose a hurricane inside it, completely wrecking it. She was visited in jail by her father and later Dani Moonstar, who persuaded Walter to release Sofia into her custody. Dani enrolled Sofia into the Xavier Institute.
Sofia became good friends with Laurie Collins and David Alleyne, rebuffing the romantic advances of Julian Keller. The friends became part of the New Mutants student squad and Sofia became leader. Sofia later persuaded David to be co-leader.
Sofia lost her powers after M-Day and left the school with her father's former manservent Derek.
She eventually joined the New Warriors team as Renascence, wearing a suit with six mechanical tentacles and electrically charged talons with a personal force field. The team has since disbanded.

Wallflower (Laurie Collins)
Able to control the emotional states of others via pheromones
Current Status
Deceased, Killed by a sniper shot to the head during an attack by William Stryker's Purifiers (New X-Men vol. 2 #25)
Group Affiliation
formerly New Mutants student squadActive: New Mutants vol. 2 #2 (2003)
Laurie's father, Sean Garrison, used his powers of emotion control to manipulate people and get money, fame and women, including Laurie's mother Gail. When Gail became pregnant, Sean's power on her faded off. Learning what had happened, Gail left, raising Laurie alone. Laurie became a quiet loner but when her powers emerged, she became very popular. Her mother tried to talk her down gently but Laurie became scared of what she could do and ended up more withdrawn.Gail enrolled Laurie into the Xavier Institute and moved to Salem Center to stay near her. When Sofia Mantega (Wind Dancer) arrived at the school, she was paired with Laurie. Sofia was able to use her powers to blow Laurie's pheromones away and would not be worry about being accidentally manipulated by Laurie. Both of them started hanging out with David Alleyene and Kevin Ford. Kevin started developing a crush on Laurie. She was severely injured by cyborg Donald Pierce and was saved by Josh Foley, one of Pierce's Reavers, who discovered he was a mutant with healing powers.
Josh joined the Institute and Laurie developed a crush on him. However, Josh developed a crush on his mentor Wolfsbane. Josh and Laurie were part of the New Mutant student squad and Laurie was given the codename Wallflower. Wallflower eventually talked things out with Josh and both of them entered into a relationship.
Laurie retained his powers after M-Day. Her arm was accidentally withered by Kevin, who thought he had lost his powers when he touched Laurie. Soon later, Laurie was killed by a sniper shot from Reverend William Stryker's Purifiers.

Icarus (Joshua 'Jay' Guthrie)
Flight via feathered wings; superhuman vocal cords; accelerated healing
Current Status
Deceased, Killed by William Stryker (New X-Men vol. 2 #26)
Known Relatives
Thomas Zebulon Guthrie (father, deceased), Lucinda Guthrie (mother), (in order of seniority) Sam Guthrie (Cannonball, brother), Elisabeth Guthrie (sister), Paige Guthrie (Husk, sister), Melody Guthrie (Aero, sister), Joelle Guthrie (sister), Lewis Guthrie (brother), Cissie Guthrie (sister), Jebediah Guthrie (brother), one more unnamed sister, Lucas Bartholemew Guthrie (uncle)
Group Affiliations
formerly New Mutants student squad, Hellions student squadActive: X-Men Unlimited #3 (2004)
Jay is the younger sister of X-Men Cannonball and Husk. Since their father died early and both of his elder siblings were active with the X-Men, Jay took over the role of father in the house, feeling that he had to protect his younger brothers and sisters. Before Jay developed powers, he helped his brother Sam (Cannonball) rescue the mutant musician Lila Cheney, the mutant Dazzler and another band member from a plane crash. When he developed mutant powers, he hid them from his family, using his powers as a stage gimmick while performing in his band.Jay fell in love with Julia Cabot, from the Cabot family who had a long feud with the Guthrie family. Julia's father donned a modified super-powered armor to kill Jay. Believing Jay dead, Julia committed suicide, dragging Jay into the river alongside herself. However, Jay's regenerative powers manifested and he woke up to find Julia dead. After Julia's death, Jay attempted suicide a couple of times but failed due to his powers.
He was sent to the Xavier Institute against his will. He was placed in the Hellions student squad but traded places with Wither to the New Mutants student squad. He remained a sullen and withdrawn person. He retained his powers after M-Day. He was tricked by the anti-mutant Reverend Stryker, who told him that his friends would be saved if he gave his wings back to God. Icarus returned to the Institute with his wings amputated and bleeding. His healing factor did not cure the injuries as it came from the wings.William Stryker and his Purifiers went on a killing spree. Jay returned to confront Stryker, who then confessed he provided the Cabots with the armors. Stryker proceeded to shoot Jay, leaving him for dead.
Stryker wanted Jay's wings to be used to graft onto Purifier soldiers to create the Choir. However, they became useless upon amputation and the wings of Angel (Warren Worthington) were targeted instead.
Wither (Kevin Ford), joined Hellions student squad
Title | Material collected | Publication date | ISBN |
New Mutants Vol. 1: Back to School | New Mutants (vol. 2) #1-6 | March 2005 | 0-7851-1242-1 |
New X-Men: Academy X Vol. 1: Choosing Sides | New X-Men: Academy X #1-6 | January 2005 | 0-7851-1538-2 |
New X-Men: Academy X Vol. 2: Haunted | New X-Men: Academy X #7-11 | July 2005 | 0-7851-1615-X |
New X-Men: Academy X Vol. 3: X-Posed | New X-Men: Academy X #12-15,New X-Men: Academy X Yearbook | January 2006 | 0-7851-1791-1 |
House of M: New X-Men | New X-Men: Academy X #16-19,Secrets of the House of M | March 2006 | 0-7851-1941-8 |
Mentor: Emma Frost
(New X-Men Academy X #1 (2004) - New X-Men #20 (2006))
The Hellions was Emma Frost's student squad. They constantly clashed with the rival New Mutants squad. The squad had a run-in with the Kingmaker who granted each of the Hellions his/her wish. However, after experiencing what their wishes brought about, they rejected the Kingmaker's offer.
High-level telekinesis
Current Status
Group Affiliation
Formerly New X-Men, Hellions squad student squad
Active: New Mutants #2 (2003)
Julian was born in Los Angeles, California to parents who managed to work their way out poverty to become billionaires. Julian was sent to the Xavier Institute so that he would learn to use his powers with some discretion. He adopted an air of superiority which annoyed other students. However, he became the favorite student of Emma Frost, adopting the codename Hellion in tribute to her first class of students, Hellions.
He became interested in leader of the rival New Mutants student squad, Wind Dancer. However, when she was depowered on M-Day, she left the Institute and the relationship went no where. In a competition to determine who will make it to the New X-Men team, Julian failed to follow Emma Frost's instructions to knock X-23 out early. Julian was placed in the New X-Men team but leadership was passed to Surge instead. Hellion had many missions in the New X-Men team. He accompanied X-23 to search for a captured Mercury. In the process, both developed a crush on the other.
During the Messiah Complex crossover, the New X-Men team attempted a preemptive strike on the Purifiers. The team was ambushed by the Purifiers' Reavers team and Lady Deathstrike, who critically injured Hellion. Cyclops disbanded the X-Men and shut down the Institute. Unable to locate his parents, Hellion turned to Magneto, who rejected him.
He joined the rest of the mutants in San Francisco and was kidnapped by the Sapiens League along with Surge and Boom Boom. They were rescued by X-Force. In the Utopia crossover, Hellion gathered a group to break the city curfew and deliver a message. However, the group was captured by Osborn's Dark X-Men before they were rescued.
Hellion was in an X-Men team fighting off an invasion of Nimrod sentinels in the Second Coming crossover when he lost both of his hands. Harboring a hatred for sentinels, Hellion severely damaged his teammate Karima Shapandar, an Omega Sentinel, during a mission to repair damages in San Francisco caused by the Nimrod attacks, when she turned rogue. Hellion was told to control himself by Cyclops or he could be locked up in the brig.
Hellion gained a greater mastery of his powers in the Age of X reality created by the Moira personality in Legion, which he managed to retain when reality was reverted to normal.
Mercury (Cessily Kincaid)
Body made of non-toxic, malleable bio-mercury; shapeshifting
Current Status
Group Affiliation
Formerly New X-Men, Hellions student squadActive: New Mutants #2 (2003)
Cessily, an Irish American, was raised in Portland, Oregon by her parents. When her powers manifested, her parents were disgusted and they sent her to the Xavier Institute. She befriended Julian Keller (Hellion) and Santo Vacarro (Rockslide). She became roommates with Laurie Collins (Wallflower) but did not like her. She also developed an unrequited crush on Wither.She was placed in the Hellions student squad and joined the New X-Men after M-Day. She was kidnapped by Facility X which used her bio-mercury to create Predator X, leaving her physically traumatized and forcing her to recuperate at the Institute. Mercury rejoined the New X-Men team for missions and joined the mutants at San Francisco.
She joined several X-Men missions, including fighting off alien Skrulls during their invasion of San Francisco; searching for Magik in the otherworldly Limbo; peace-keeping during the San Francisco riots and fending off a vampire invasion.
Organic rock hide; enhanced strength and durability; ability to detach and reattach his limbs to fire as projectiles which are uncontrollable once detached
Current Status
Group Affiliation
formerly Young X-Men, New X-Men Hellions student squad
Active: New Mutants #3 (2003)
An Italian-American mutant from Boston, Santo was sent to the Xavier Institute where he befriended Julian Keller (Hellion) and joined the Hellions student squad. He joined the New X-Men team following M-Day. The X-Men was disbanded following the Messiah Complex crossover. Rockslide was tricked into joining the Young X-Men team by the cyborg Donald Pierce. After the ruse was discovered, the Young X-Men rejoined the other mutants in San Francisco. He participated in several X-Men missions, including fighting off alien Skrulls during their invasion of San Francisco; searching for Magik in the otherworldly Limbo; peace-keeping during the San Francisco riots; and fending off Nimrods and vampires invasions. Rockslide shares a good friendship with Anole and both attempted crime-fighting in San Francisco.

Can transform her body into a living sandstorm able to blind opponents or strip away flesh
Current Status
Group Affiliation
formerly Young X-Men, New X-Men, Hellions student squad
Active: New X-Men #138 (2003)
Dust is an adolescent Sunni Muslim girl born in Afghanistan. She was kidnapped by a slave-trading ring after she was separated from her mother. She was rescued by Wolverine who took her to X-Corporation Mumbai. She enrolled at the Xavier Institute and had the loud and rebellious Noriko (Surge) as roomate. They had disagreements over their views. Dust was placed in Xorn's Special Class but discovered Xorn's intended betrayal. She alerted Professor X but both were defeated as Xorn went on the rampage before he was stopped by the X-Men.
She was placed in the Hellions student squad and joined the New X-Men team after M-Day. She was the target for death of the Purifiers, who believed that she would go on to kill the Purifiers. However, the Purifiers were defeated.
After the Messiah Complex crossover, Cyclops disbanded the X-Men and shut off the Institute. Dust returned to Afghanistan but was tricked into joining the Young X-Men team by the cyborg Donald Pierce. She was tricked into fighting former New Mutant Magma. After the ruse was discovered, the Young X-Men rejoined the mutants in San Francisco. Her fight with Magma caused cell degradation and she was eventually healed by Ink.
She joined several X-Men missions, including fighting off alien Skrulls during their invasion of San Francisco; and fending off Nimrod and vampire invasions.

Can "tag" a person, forcing others to run away from the subject or flock to them
Current Status
Deceased, Killed while on bus out of Xavier's Institute by missile sent by Reverend William Stryker's Purifiers (New X-Men vol. 2 #23)
Group Affiliation
formerly Hellions student squad
Active: New Mutants #10 (2004)
Ability to rapidly decay any organic matter through skin contact
Current Status
Deceased (Killed by Elixir in X-Force #24 (2010)
Group Affiliation
formerly Hellions student squad, New Mutants student squad
Active: New Mutants #2 (2003)
When Kevin's powers manifested, he accidentally caused his father to be reduced to dust. He lived in a scapeyard where he used his artistic talents to turn unwanted scrap into beautiful art. He was found and brought to the Xavier Institute where he developed a crush on Laurie Collins (Wallflower). When the cyborg Donald Pierce attacked and impaled Laurie, Kevin lashed out and decayed the skin off of Pierce's face and skull. Moonstar was forced to stop him by showing him his worst fear, killing Laurie. This left Kevin frightened and he left the Institute.
Emma Frost convinced him to return. Kevin was placed in Moonstar's New Mutants squad as Wither but he was still angry at Moonstar. He was turned over by Moonstar to the FBI, which wanted him for his role in his father's death. The Hellions tried to rescue him but was stopped by the New Mutants. He was eventually released after which he made the switch to join Emma Frost's Hellions squad, angry with Moonstar for her role in his arrest.
After M-Day when it seemed everyone lost their powers, Wither believed his powers to be lost too, touching Laurie's hand. However, he had not been depowered and Laurie's hand withered. Kevin felt guilty and depressed, running away from the Institute after hearing Hellion referring to him as dangerous.
He went to Mutant Town and lived in the company of an old lady who turned out to be Selene, Black Queen of the Hellfire Club, in disguise. Wither joined Selene as she made a bid for godhood in the Necrosha crossover. During an attack on the Utopia island, Wither killed student Oynxx. When X-Force attacked Selene and her group in Necrosha (formerly Genosha), Wither was killed by Elixir.
Icarus (Joshua "Jay" Guthrie)
Title | Material collected | Publication date | ISBN |
New X-Men: Hellions | New X-Men: Hellions #1-4 | November 2005 | 0-7851-1746-6 |
Alpha Squadron
Mentor: Karma (Xi'an Coy Mahn), formerly Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier)
(New X-Men Academy X #1 (2004) - New X-Men #20 (2006))
Spiked carapace on head; sticky prehensile tongue; able to cling to solid surfaces; able to camouflage his skin to match almost any surface
Current Status
CEO of Worthington Industries.
Group Affiliation
formerly Young X-Men, New X-Men, Alpha Squadron student squad
Anole is a gay who confided in Northstar and Karma because of their sexual orientations.
He was the leader of the Alpha Squadron student squad but the squad system was abolished following M-Day. The students were brought to the otherworldly Limbo by the demon Belasco as he seek out his former protege Magik. His right arm was severed by a demon while protecting fellow student Blindfold. However, a larger and stronger reptilian arm soon replaced the arm he lost.
He went on to join the New X-Men at the recommendation of Rockslide, with whom he formed a strong friendship with. He was later placed in the short-lived Young X-Men team.
He joined an X-Men team to travel to the otherworldly Limbo to rescue Magik.
He also joined Rogue, Magneto and Loa to travel to India with Indra to answer a family call where they fought the Children of the Vault.
After a time as student of the Jean Grey School, he graduated and become the CEO of Worthington Industries.
Active: New Mutants vol. 2 #2 (2003)
Able to physically pass through solid matter, causing it to break down
Current Status
Student in the Avengers Academy
Group Affiliation
formerly Alpha Squadron student squad
Loa's grandmother, Alice Ryan, was an acquaintance of Prince Namor of Atlantis.
Loa was briefly seen to have a relationship with Elixir. It is unsure if anything came out of it.
He also joined Rogue, Magneto and Anole to travel to India with Indra to answer a family call where they fought the Children of the Vault.
Loa accompanied Emma Frost to the New Atlantis where she revealed herself to be well educated in Atlantean history, mythology and culture. She possessed a pendent passed down to her by her grandmother, which was given to her by Namor in the past. Loa helped the Atlanteans fight the underwater vampires known as the Aqueos.
Loa joined Namor, Dr. Strange, Lyra and Silver Surfer to form the Defenders to help fight Attuma, who had become a member of the Worthy. (Fear Itself) She later joined the Avengers Academy.
Active: New X-Men: Academy X #5 (2004)
Retractable armored plates
Current Status
Group Affiliation
formerly Alpha Squadron student squad
Active: New X-Men: Academy X #7 (2005)
Indra is the youngest of the remaining powered students.
During the San Francisco riots, Indra knocked out some HAMMER agents, violating the most important tenet of his Jain faith - absolute nonviolence. Indra started to experience great pain when accessing his powers, believing it divine punishment for violating his beliefs. Rogue attempted to counsel him, suggesting that his inability to access his powers was psychosomatic. Rogue also confronted him with the fact that he chose the codename Indra, the Hindu god of war, despite his pacifist beliefs and believed that he did so out of belief in his own potential. Rogue also mentioned that Indra was choosing to back away from his potential rather than embracing it.
Following that, Indra began manifesting a sophisticated full suit of armor and weaponry as an upgrade of his powers.When his family summoned him back to India, he returned with Magneto, Rogue, Anole and Loa. His father forced him to take his elder brother's place in an arranged marriage. The group fought the Child of the Vault. The marriage was eventually cancelled and Indra returned home with the X-Men.
During the San Francisco riots, Indra knocked out some HAMMER agents, violating the most important tenet of his Jain faith - absolute nonviolence. Indra started to experience great pain when accessing his powers, believing it divine punishment for violating his beliefs. Rogue attempted to counsel him, suggesting that his inability to access his powers was psychosomatic. Rogue also confronted him with the fact that he chose the codename Indra, the Hindu god of war, despite his pacifist beliefs and believed that he did so out of belief in his own potential. Rogue also mentioned that Indra was choosing to back away from his potential rather than embracing it.
Following that, Indra began manifesting a sophisticated full suit of armor and weaponry as an upgrade of his powers.When his family summoned him back to India, he returned with Magneto, Rogue, Anole and Loa. His father forced him to take his elder brother's place in an arranged marriage. The group fought the Child of the Vault. The marriage was eventually cancelled and Indra returned home with the X-Men.

Shrinking ability down to 4 inches, formerly
Current Status
Deceased, Killed while on bus out of Xavier's Institute by missile sent by Reverend William Stryker's Purifiers (New X-Men vol. 2 #23)
Group Affiliation
formerly Alpha Squadron student squad
Active: New X-Men: Academy X #12 (2005)

Interacts with machines, makes them follow commands, formerly
Current Status
Deceased, Killed while on bus out of Xavier's Institute by missile sent by Reverend William Stryker's Purifiers (New X-Men vol. 2 #23)
Group Affiliation
formerly Alpha Squadron student squad
Known Relatives
Jessica Vale (Preview, sister)
Active: New X-Men: Academy X #13 (2005)

Elastic Body, formerly
Current Status
Deceased, Killed while on bus out of Xavier's Institute by missile sent by Reverend William Stryker's Purifiers (New X-Men vol. 2 #23)
Group Affiliation
formerly Alpha Squadron student squad
Active: Xtreme X-Men #20 (2003)
Rubbermaid was protective of new student Jeffrey Garrett, who had been involved in murder. When the X-Men Bishop and Sage arrived at the Xavier Institute to bring Jeffrey in for his crimes, Rubbermaid was one of the students who attempted to repel the pair. Her memory of this event was later erased from her memory.
Mentor: Magma (Amara Aquila), formerly Wolfsbane (Rahne Sinclair)
(New X-Men Academy X #1 (2004) - New X-Men #20 (2006))
Pyrokinesis; immunity to heat and flame
Current Status
Group Affiliation
formerly Paragons student squad
Active: New X-Men: Academy X #7 (2005)
Match was the leader of the Paragons student squad.
During the San Francisco riots in the Utopia crossover, Match joined Hellion's rebellious group to try to make a point to the authorities. However, the group was captured by Norman Osborn's forces before X-Force rescued all captured mutants.
Active: New X-Men: Academy X #7 (2005)
Match was the leader of the Paragons student squad.
During the San Francisco riots in the Utopia crossover, Match joined Hellion's rebellious group to try to make a point to the authorities. However, the group was captured by Norman Osborn's forces before X-Force rescued all captured mutants.
Astral projection; astral form causes energy damage
Current Status
Group Affiliation
formerly Paragons training squad
Active: New X-Men: Academy X #12 (2005)
Trance joined an X-Men team to travel to the otherworldly Limbo to rescue Magik.Active: New X-Men: Academy X #12 (2005)
Butterfly wings granting flight, pixie dust which causes hallucinations
Current Status
Active in the X-Men
Group Affiliation
X-Men, formerly Paragons student squad
HistoryMegan is a Welsh teenager from the mining town Abergylid. For years, she believed that her father died in the mine and she was raised by her grandparents. After enrolling at the Xavier Institute, she was assigned to be part of the Paragons training squad under the tutelage of Wolfsbane. She was voted the Friendliest Student. Some time later, the Institute students were brought to the otherworldly Limbo. A group of students, including Pixie, fought demons and were saved by the Darkchilde/Magik, who was created by the Belasco, the ruler of Limbo, out of the memories of Illyana Rasputin. Pixie submitted to Magik's request to use her soul to create a Soulsword and Bloodstones. The process was interrupted by fellow student Anole, and only one Bloodstone and a Souldagger were created instead. The Souldagger was actually a portion of Pixie's soul and black magic now filled the hole left behind in the dagger's creation. A portion of her pink hair changed to black. Pixie was taught a teleportation spell by Magik and she used it to teleport the group of students to save the other students from Belasco. Magik was able to defeat Belasco. The students returned to the Xavier Institute and Pixie was added to the New X-Men team.
After Cyclops disbanded the X-Men (following Messiah CompleX), Pixie returned to her hometown. She found the demonic N'Garai kidnapping people to feed their leader, Kierrok the Damned. Pixie called in the X-Men to defeat Kierrok and N'Garai. Pixie then returned with the X-Men to America, where she joined the team in their new base in San Francisco. After leaving one of Dazzler's gigs, Pixie was attacked by a group of masked anti-mutant men calling themselves the Hellfire Cult. After a brief period of time questioning her desire to remain with the X-Men, Pixie returned in time to help the X-Men defeat Empath, leader of the Hellfire Cult.
Pixie reluctantly joined a group of X-Men to find Magik in Limbo where they fought Belasco's daughter, Witchfire. Witchfire forged a new Bloodstone from Pixie's soul before she was finally defeated by the X-Men and Magik. Magik returned to the X-Men but Pixie was despondent over losing more of her soul. Pixie soon discovered that her father was actually the deceased villain Mastermind (Jason Wyngarde). Shortly after, Pixie and the New Mutants team, in which Magik was a member, were captured by Project Purgatory on separate occasions. The Project succeeded in extracting the bloodstones from Pixie to summon the Elder Gods but both the Project and Elder Gods were defeated by the X-Men. After the battle, Magik gave Pixie a golden box containing her Souldagger and both her bloodstones.
Some time later, Pixie flirted with Five Lights member Velocidad, unaware that he had something going on with team leader Hope Summers. Pixie was packing to join Wolverine to return to Westchester following his schism with Cyclops when Hope approached her to join her team. She eventually joined Wolverine's Jean Grey School and graduated to become a X-Man.
Active: New X-Men: Academy X #5 (2004)
Permanent half-wolf form; enhanced speed, agility and sense
Current Status
Deceased, Killed by Donald Pierce (Young X-Men #5)
Group Affiliation
formerly in Young X-Men, Paragons student squad
Active: Chamber #1 (2002)
Active: Chamber #1 (2002)
After the death of his parents, Nicholas became the target of anti-mutant assassins and was rescued by the X-Men Cyclops and Chamber. He enrolled at the Xavier Institute. He was later targeted for recruitment by Maximus Lobo to join the werewolf pack Dominant Species. He rejected and assisted the X-Men in defeating Dominant Species.
He was placed in the Paragons squad. He retained his powers after M-Day. After the Messiah Complex crossover, Cyclops disbanded the X-Men and shut down the Institute. Wolf Cub was tricked into joining the Young X-Men team by the cyborg Donald Pierce. After the ruse was discovered, the Young X-Men confronted Pierce. Wolf Cub was killed in the fight.
After the death of his parents, Nicholas became the target of anti-mutant assassins and was rescued by the X-Men Cyclops and Chamber. He enrolled at the Xavier Institute. He was later targeted for recruitment by Maximus Lobo to join the werewolf pack Dominant Species. He rejected and assisted the X-Men in defeating Dominant Species.
He was placed in the Paragons squad. He retained his powers after M-Day. After the Messiah Complex crossover, Cyclops disbanded the X-Men and shut down the Institute. Wolf Cub was tricked into joining the Young X-Men team by the cyborg Donald Pierce. After the ruse was discovered, the Young X-Men confronted Pierce. Wolf Cub was killed in the fight.

Energy manipulation based on type of music he hears, formerly
Current Status
Deceased, Killed while on bus out of Xavier's Institute by missile sent by Reverend William Stryker's Purifiers (New X-Men vol. 2 #23)
Active: New X-Men: Academy X #2 (2004)

Precognition, usually only minutes in advance
Current Status
Deceased, Killed while on bus out of Xavier's Institute by missile sent by Reverend William Stryker's Purifiers (New X-Men vol. 2 #23)
Group Affiliation
formerly Paragons student squad
Known Relatives
Sarah Vale (Network, sister)
Active: New X-Men: Academy X #23 (2005)
Mentor: Cyclops (Scott Summers)
(New X-Men Academy X #1 (2004) - New X-Men #20 (2006))

Can combine individual telepathic powers to form a gestalt 'supermind'
Current Status
Students in the New Xavier School
Group Affiliation
formerly Corsairs student squad
Active: New X-Men #118 (2001)
Stepford Cuckoos were formerly the Five-In-One, along with Sophie and Esme. They were grown from ova cells harvested from Emma Frost by John Sublime where she was comatose following the Sentinel attack on her student Hellions. The Five-In-One were designated Weapon XIV in the Weapon Plus program. They were placed in the Xavier Institute when the school opened its doors to an expansive student group. They became the proteges of Emma Frost.
The telepath Quentin Quire had a crush on Sophie but was rejected. After learning that he was adopted, Quentin started a student riot with his Omega Gang, using the drug Kick to boost his powers. Wanting to stop Quentin, Sophie used the drug Kick to boost her powers, using Cerebra to do so. In the process, she overexerted herself and died. They held Emma Frost partially responsible for Sophie's death because she inspired Sophie to heroism. They informed Jean Grey that Emma Frost was about to conduct a psychic affair with Jean's husband Cyclops.
Esme soon collaborated with the X-Man Xorn, who disguised himself as Magneto. However, Xorn eventually killed Esme in a fit of anger.
When the students were reorganized into student squads, the Cuckoos were placed in Cyclops' Corsairs squad. Their origins were revealed and they each absorbed a Phoenix fragment. The fragment eventually vacated them and traveled back into Space.
The Stepford Cuckoos are now in the New Xavier School.
Quill (Maxwell Jordan)
Able to produce and project spiked quills from his body
Current Status
Killed during Purifier's attack on the Xavier Institute (New X-Men vol. 2 #27)
Group Affiliation
formerly Corsairs student squad
Active: New X-Men: Academy X #1 (2004)
Quill was once caught attempting to steal the computer science test papers from Shadowcat's office. As a result, he was placed under the brief mentorship of Gambit.
Dryad (Callie Betto)
Controls plant life and plant growth
Current Status
Deceased, Killed while on bus out of Xavier's Institute by missile sent by Reverend William Stryker's Purifiers (New X-Men vol. 2 #23)
Group Affiliation
formerly Corsairs student squad
Active: New X-Men: Academy X #1 (2004)
Specter (Dallas Gibson)
Becomes living shadow, enhanced strength and speed
Current Status
Deceased, Killed while on bus out of Xavier's Institute by missile sent by Reverend William Stryker's Purifiers (New X-Men vol. 2 #23)
Group Affiliation
formerly Corsairs student squad, Paragons student squad
Active: New Mutants vol. 2 #10 (2004)
The telepath Quentin Quire had a crush on Sophie but was rejected. After learning that he was adopted, Quentin started a student riot with his Omega Gang, using the drug Kick to boost his powers. Wanting to stop Quentin, Sophie used the drug Kick to boost her powers, using Cerebra to do so. In the process, she overexerted herself and died. They held Emma Frost partially responsible for Sophie's death because she inspired Sophie to heroism. They informed Jean Grey that Emma Frost was about to conduct a psychic affair with Jean's husband Cyclops.
Esme soon collaborated with the X-Man Xorn, who disguised himself as Magneto. However, Xorn eventually killed Esme in a fit of anger.
When the students were reorganized into student squads, the Cuckoos were placed in Cyclops' Corsairs squad. Their origins were revealed and they each absorbed a Phoenix fragment. The fragment eventually vacated them and traveled back into Space.
The Stepford Cuckoos are now in the New Xavier School.
Able to produce and project spiked quills from his body
Current Status
Killed during Purifier's attack on the Xavier Institute (New X-Men vol. 2 #27)
Group Affiliation
formerly Corsairs student squad
Active: New X-Men: Academy X #1 (2004)
Quill was once caught attempting to steal the computer science test papers from Shadowcat's office. As a result, he was placed under the brief mentorship of Gambit.

Controls plant life and plant growth
Current Status
Deceased, Killed while on bus out of Xavier's Institute by missile sent by Reverend William Stryker's Purifiers (New X-Men vol. 2 #23)
Group Affiliation
formerly Corsairs student squad
Active: New X-Men: Academy X #1 (2004)

Becomes living shadow, enhanced strength and speed
Current Status
Deceased, Killed while on bus out of Xavier's Institute by missile sent by Reverend William Stryker's Purifiers (New X-Men vol. 2 #23)
Group Affiliation
formerly Corsairs student squad, Paragons student squad
Active: New Mutants vol. 2 #10 (2004)
Mentor: Gambit
(X-Men #171 (2005) - New X-Men #20 (2006))
The Chevaliers was Gambit's student squad. When the new student Foxx joined the squad, Onyxx and Bling were attracted to her with Onyxx constantly hitting on her. Foxx got close to Gambit, seducing him. She turned out to be Mystique in disguise, trying to get Gambit and her foster daughter Rogue to break up. Mystique made a bid to join the X-Men. However, she left the Institute while the rest of the X-Men agreed to accept her membership.
From left to right
Foxx (Mystique)
Foxx is actually a disguise of Mystique as she infiltrated the Xavier Institute in an attempt to break up Gambit and Rogue.
Active: X-Men #171 (2005)
Onyxx (Sidney Green)
Granite body, superhuman strength
Onyxx was killed by Wither when Selene's forces attacked Utopia island during the events of Necrosha.
Active: X-Men #171 (2005)
Bling (Roxy Washington)
Rock body, can fire rock shards
Bling is currently still powered and is an X-Man in Training.
Active: X-Men #171 (2005)
Rain Boy (Carl Aalston), on the shoulder of Onyxx
Liquid form
Rain Boy was depowered during M-Day and could have been killed on bus out of Xavier's Institute by missile sent by Reverend William Stryker's Purifiers (New X-Men vol. 2 #23).
Active: X-Men #171 (2005)
Flubber (Nick Shelly)
Rubbery Body
Flubber was depowered during M-Day and could have been killed on bus out of Xavier's Institute by missile sent by Reverend William Stryker's Purifiers (New X-Men vol. 2 #23).
Active: X-Men #171 (2005)
Mentor: Rogue
(Uncanny X-Men #444 (2003) - New X-Men #20 (2006))
From Left to Right
Trovao (Pedro de Noli)
Generates sonic booms
Active: Uncanny X-Men #444 (2003)
Umbra (Patrick Nesbitt)
Controls darkness
Active: Uncanny X-Men #444 (2003)
Xenon (Shaun Kennedy)
Generates light blasts
Active: Uncanny X-Men #444 (2003)
Naiad (Aureli Sabayon)
Breathes water
Active: Uncanny X-Men #444 (2003)
Pinpoint (Gerard Cooper)
High-range telescopic vision
Active: Uncanny X-Men #444 (2003)
Boggart (Robin Wise)
Enhanced Strength
Active: Uncanny X-Men #444 (2003)
None of the students were powered after M-Day. They might have been killed on a bus out of Xavier's Institute by a missile sent by Reverend William Stryker's Purifiers. (New X-Men #23)
Other Squads
Mentored by Iceman
Mentored by Beast
Angel Salvadore
Storm's Squad
Mentored by Storm
Mentored by Katherine Pryde
Other Students

Spencer Bronson
Controls men
Active in Mystique #12 (2004)
Spencer was a 12 year old boy who used his mind control powers to force his stepfather to abduct him because his mother did not let him do what he wants. Spencer tried to make the former X-Man Forge kill Mystique but she freed him by saying she loved him. Forge then killed the boy.
Cryptid (Andy Hartnell)
Bestial form
Active in X-Men Unlimited #1 (2004)
Andy was a student at Xavier's who went out with other students to town for Halloween, able to walk among other children in Halloween costumes without scaring the townsfolk. When kidnappers abduct a friend he just met, he rushed to rescue her, revealing his mutant nature. Scaring the townsfolk, he had to leave the town.
Skylark (Greg Carlson)
Arms transform into wings
Active in X-Men Unlimited #3 (2004)
Greg attempted to invite fellow student Jay Guthrie to join him to meet other students from the flying class but was rejected.
Aero (Melody Guthrie)
Active in Uncanny X-Men #444 (2004)
Notable Relatives: Thomas Zebulon Guthrie (father, deceased), Lucinda Guthrie (mother), (in order of seniority) Sam Guthrie (Cannonball, brother), Elisabeth Guthrie (sister), Paige Guthrie (Husk, sister), Joshua “Jay” Guthrie (Icarus, brother, deceased), Joelle Guthrie (sister), Lewis Guthrie (brother), Cissie Guthrie (sister), Jebediah Guthrie (brother), one more unnamed sister, Lucas Bartholemew Guthrie (uncle)
Melody is the younger sister of X-Men Cannonball and Husk. She lost her powers during M-Day and was sent home.
Wing (Edward Tancredi)
Active in Astonishing X-Men #3 (2004)
Died in Astonishing X-Men #7 (2005)
Wing had a crush on his squad mentor Shadowcat but scolded her she reassured him that the 'mutant cure' being marketed at that time was optional. Later, the alien Ord attacked the Institute, and injected the mutant cure into Wing as a message to the X-Men. Without his powers, he became very depressed. He would enter the Danger Room to try to regain his powers. The sentient Danger Room felt Wing's anguish and sought to use him, using her holographic abilities to mimic his friend Armor and filling him with lies about how he should end his life. He finally jumped off a cliff in a holographic setting, hoping his powers would return. However, it did not and he died. His death overcame Danger's programming and she was freed.
Hitch-Hiker (Connor Laughlin)
Immunodeficient, Possesses people
Active in X-Men Unlimited #6 (2004)
Connor suffers from immunodeficiency and had to stay in a sterilized room. He possessed Marvel Girl to look for his father but was stopped by Rogue. Rogue introduced Connor to the Xavier Institute to help him cope with his powers while Beast looked into curing his disease.
Spirit (Jacob Page)
Body irreversibly turning into air
Active and seemingly died in X-Men Unlimited #7 (2004)
When his powers activated, Jacob became intangible and started turning into air. Shadowcat's powers seemed to be similar to his and she tried to help him focus to solidify, to no avail. Shadowcat accompanied him and watch as he turned into air.
Updraft (Johan Schumann)
Active in Wolverine #21 (2004)
Updraft was seen in a class with the X-Man Shadowcat when a mind-controlled Wolverine came attacking the Xavier Institute.
Audio (Raymond Keyes)
Wide-frequency hearing
Active in New X-Men: Academy X #1 (2004)
The following students were seen in X-Men Unlimited #10 (2005). When guidance counselor Alicia Downing quit, Beast was asked to stand in. He encountered some of these students.
Cudgel (Liam Bremner)
Arms transform into metal mallets
Active in X-Men Unlimited #10 (2005)
Cudgel was a school bully, targeting Protozoa.
Elsewhere (Jamie Vanderwall)
Active in X-Men Unlimited #10 (2005)
Jamie outlined her intention to quit Xavier to Beast. Beast guided her through the process to apply for college but her application was rejected and she felt bitter towards Beast.
Iolanthe (Katie Atkinson)
Fairy-winged flight
Active in X-Men Unlimited #10 (2005)
Katie was seen as someone who cannot keep secrets.
Lipid (Anne Moore)
Generates viscous liquid
Active in X-Men Unlimited #10 (2005)
Anne did not have fine control over her powers.
Pinocchio (Frank Ludlum)
Turns into wood
Active in X-Men Unlimited #10 (2005)
Frank was seen in a class with Beast.
Protozoa (Linus Sinker)
Transform into giant amoeba
Active in X-Men Unlimited #10 (2005)
Linus was constantly bullied by fellow student Cudgel and liked to confide in former guidance counselor Alicia Downing. When Beast took over, he felt less inclined to confide. Later, Beast introduced him to some books in his library.

Marie D'Ancanto
Joined in Uncanny X-Men #450 (2005)
Marie D'Ancanto lost her family and an eye due to mischief caused by mutants. The police refused to press charges against the mutants involved. Her uncle pestered the local police and the media to bring the mutants to justice until X-Corporation lawyers claimed it was species harassment. She also lost her home when her uncle was hit with nightmares caused by a pawn of the mutant Elias Bogan, who had been buying up homes in the area. As a result, she carried a hatred for mutants. She attempted a suicide bombing at mutant Lila Cheney's concert, with the intention of killing X-Corporation LA's head, Sunspot. However, her attempt was stopped by the X-Men who were there. Marie was placed with the X-Man Rogue before her trial, who eventually showed her the errors of her ways. A plea bargain was entered on her behalf by the mutant lawyer Evangeline Whedon and she became Evangeline's assistant. Later, she moved into the Institute when Evangeline became the X-Men's lawyer.
Flood (Eugene Walker)
Active in Gambit #10 (2005)
Flood, along with View and Quill, was caught by Shadowcat for attempting to steal a copy of the computer science test from her office. Shadowcat sent the three of them under the mentorship of Gambit.
View (Winston Frankowski)
UV and IR vision
Active in Gambit #10 (2005)
Flood, along with View and Quill, was caught by Shadowcat for attempting to steal a copy of the computer science test from her office. Shadowcat sent the three of them under the mentorship of Gambit.
Seth Walker
Non-mutant innate magic user
Active in Nightcrawler #4 (2005)
Seth Walker was intended to be the sacrificial item for a ritual but was rescued by Nightcrawler and the X-Men.
Hydro (Noah Crichton)
Active in New X-Men #20 (2006)
Hydro lost his powers during M-Day. As he was in the water, he drowned.
Annie Ghazikhanian
Current Status
Annie Ghazikhanian is a nurse in a hospital who was assigned to take care of a comatose patient, who is actually the X-Man Havok returned from an alternate reality (Mutant X). She developed romantic feelings towards him, which was noticed by her son Carter. Unknown to both Havok and Annie, Carter used his mutant psychic powers to link their dreams in which they shared a romantic relationship.
Cyclops, Havok's brother, came to collect Havok when the X-Men discovered he was still alive. Annie decided to follow them with her son. She became the school nurse at the Xavier Institute at a time when the student body stood at 152. With the help of Carter, Professor Xavier woke Havok from his coma. Havok's long-time girlfriend Polaris immediately proposed marriage which Havok hastily agreed. Annie was shattered and just before the wedding day, she flirted with X-Man Iceman. Realizing that he loved Annie, Havok dumped Polaris at the altar to pursue a relationship with Annie.
When the Brotherhood of Mutants attacked and destroyed the X-Mansion, Annie feared for the safety of her son. She broke the relationship with Havok and left the Institute.
Marilyn Hannah (Left)
4-armed cafeteria worker
Sanji Yamamoto (Right)
Rodent-appearance cook
Uncanny X-Men #429 (2003)
Alicia Downing
Guidance counselor
X-Men Unlimited #10 (2005)
Student Teams
New X-Men
(New X-Men #20 (2006) - New X-Men #26 (2008))
Some months later, the insane reality warping Scarlet Witch depowered 90% of the mutant population on what was called M-Day. Only 27 students retained their powers. The student squads were dissolved. From the remaining students, a team was selected by Emma Frost to become the new generation of X-Men. The depowered students were sent back home on a bus. However, the bus was destroyed by a missile fired by the religious anti-mutant Purifiers, led by Reverend William Stryker. The New X-Men fought the Purifiers; and went on to fight with the mutant-hunting sentinel Nimrod; Kimura, X-23's former Facility X handler and the Facility's Predator X; Belasco, the demonic lord of Limbo; and the Incredible Hulk. The birth of the first mutant child since M-Day caused the X-Man traitor Bishop to act. He had the Xavier Institute destroyed in his quest to find the supposed messiah child and kill her. After securing the messiah child and sending her to the future to be raised by his son Cable, Cyclops disbanded the X-Men and the school.
(New X-Men #20 (2006) - New X-Men #26 (2008))
Some months later, the insane reality warping Scarlet Witch depowered 90% of the mutant population on what was called M-Day. Only 27 students retained their powers. The student squads were dissolved. From the remaining students, a team was selected by Emma Frost to become the new generation of X-Men. The depowered students were sent back home on a bus. However, the bus was destroyed by a missile fired by the religious anti-mutant Purifiers, led by Reverend William Stryker. The New X-Men fought the Purifiers; and went on to fight with the mutant-hunting sentinel Nimrod; Kimura, X-23's former Facility X handler and the Facility's Predator X; Belasco, the demonic lord of Limbo; and the Incredible Hulk. The birth of the first mutant child since M-Day caused the X-Man traitor Bishop to act. He had the Xavier Institute destroyed in his quest to find the supposed messiah child and kill her. After securing the messiah child and sending her to the future to be raised by his son Cable, Cyclops disbanded the X-Men and the school.
Faculty: Various X-Men
Students: 27 students who retained powers.
Students: 27 students who retained powers.
Original Members
Surge (Noriko Ashida)
Hellion (Julian Keller)
Mercury (Cesilly Kincaid)
Rockslide (Santo Vaccaro)
Dust (Sooraya Qadir)
X-23 (Laura Kinney)
Elixir (Josh Foley), removed from the team
Prodigy (David Alleyene)
Gentle (Nezhno Abidemi)
Pixie (Megan Gwynn)
Anole (Victor Borowski)
Armor (Ichiki Hisako)
Other Powered Students in this Period
Wallflower (Laurie Collins), killed by Purifiers in New X-Men vol. 2 #25
Icarus (Jay Guthrie), Killed by William Stryker in New X-Men vol. 2 #26
Wither (Kevin Ford)
Match (Ben Hammil)
Wolf Club (Nicholas Gleason)
Indra (Paras Gavaskar)
Trance (Hope Abbott)
Bling (Roxy Washington)
Onyxx (Sidney Green)
Stepford Cuckoos (Celeste, Mindee, Phoebe)
Quill (Max Jordan), killed by Purifiers in New X-Men vol. 2 #27
Martha Johansson
Blindfold (Ruth Aldine)
Gentle (Nezhno Abidemi)
Extreme strength by increasing muscle mass of his body to impossible levels; Prolonged usage of powers will result in death; Vibranium tatoos on his body keeps his powers in check
Current Status
Extreme strength by increasing muscle mass of his body to impossible levels; Prolonged usage of powers will result in death; Vibranium tatoos on his body keeps his powers in check
Current Status
X-23 (Laura Kinney)
Two Adamantium-coated claws in each forearm, one in each foot; healing factor; enhanced senses
Current Status
Active in New Xavier School
Group Affiliations
Formerly X-Force, New X-Men, The Facility
X-23 is the 23rd and first successful attempt at creating a clone of Wolverine.
Armor (Ichiki Hisako)
Group Affiliations
Formerly New X-Men, Storm's squad
Active: New X-Men #23 (2006)
Telekinetic body armour
Current Status
Masters Student
Current Status
Masters Student
Armor first appeared in the Astonishing X-Men series. She was from the Paladins student squad mentored by Kitty Pryde and later joined the X-Men for several missions. Wolverine became her mentor of sorts. She also joined the New X-Men team on one mission.
Title | Material collected | Publication date | ISBN |
New X-Men: Childhood's End, Vol. 1 | New X-Men #20-23 | May 2006 | 0-7851-1831-4 |
New X-Men: Childhood's End, Vol. 2: Crusade | New X-Men #24-27 | August 2006 | 0-7851-2024-6 |
New X-Men: Childhood's End, Vol. 3: Nimrod | New X-Men #28-32 | December 2006 | 0-7851-2025-4 |
New X-Men: Childhood's End, Vol. 4: Mercury Falling | New X-Men #33-36 | June 2007 | 0-7851-2238-9 |
New X-Men: Childhood's End, Vol. 5: Quest for Magik | New X-Men #37-43 | December 2007 | 0-7851-2239-7 |
X-Men: Messiah Complex | X-Men: Messiah CompleX one-shot, Uncanny X-Men #492-494,X-Men #205-207,New X-Men #44-46, X-Factor #25-27, X-Men: Messiah CompleX - Mutant Files | November 2008 | 0-7851-2320-2 |
Young X-Men
(Young X-Men #1 (2008) - Young X-Men #12 (2009))
Some students were tricked by Donald Pierce into forming the Young X-Men team to attack former New Mutants Cannonball, Mirage, Magma and Sunspot. The ruse was later discovered and the team rejoined the X-Men, which had regrouped in San Francisco. Mirage and Sunspot became mentors to the Young X-Men. The Young Men then fought the Y-Men. The Young X-Men ceased to exist as a team when the title was cancelled. Since then, the students appear as secondary characters in various X-related books. When the mutants relocated to the artificial island Utopia, off the USA's West Coast, Cyclops reinstated classes and training programs for the young mutants there.
Faculty: Dani Moonstar (mentor), Sunspot (mentor)
Students: Rockslide (Santo Vacarro), Dust (Sooraya Qadir), Wolf Cub (Nicholas Gleason), Blindfold (Ruth Aldine), Ink (Eric Glitter), Greymalkin (Jonas Graymalkin), Anole (Victor Borkowski), Cipher (Alisa Tager)
Some students were tricked by Donald Pierce into forming the Young X-Men team to attack former New Mutants Cannonball, Mirage, Magma and Sunspot. The ruse was later discovered and the team rejoined the X-Men, which had regrouped in San Francisco. Mirage and Sunspot became mentors to the Young X-Men. The Young Men then fought the Y-Men. The Young X-Men ceased to exist as a team when the title was cancelled. Since then, the students appear as secondary characters in various X-related books. When the mutants relocated to the artificial island Utopia, off the USA's West Coast, Cyclops reinstated classes and training programs for the young mutants there.
Faculty: Dani Moonstar (mentor), Sunspot (mentor)
Students: Rockslide (Santo Vacarro), Dust (Sooraya Qadir), Wolf Cub (Nicholas Gleason), Blindfold (Ruth Aldine), Ink (Eric Glitter), Greymalkin (Jonas Graymalkin), Anole (Victor Borkowski), Cipher (Alisa Tager)
Rockslide (Santo Vacarro)
Dust (Sooraya Qadir)
Wolf Cub (Nicholas Gleason), deceased
Blindfold (Ruth Aldine)
Ink (Eric Glitter)
Greymalkin (Jonas Graymalkin)
Anole (Victor Borkowski)
Cipher (Alisa Tager)
Issues | Characters |
#1–4 | Blindfold, Dust, Ink, Rockslide, Wolf Cub |
#5 | Blindfold, Dust, Graymalkin, Ink, Rockslide, Wolf Cub |
#6–8 | Anole, Dust, Graymalkin, Ink, Mirage, Rockslide, Sunspot |
#9–12 | Anole, Cipher, Dust, Graymalkin, Ink, Mirage, Rockslide,Sunspot |
Blindfold (Ruth Aldine)
Precognitive Abilities
Group Affiliations
formerly Young X-Men
Current Status
Active: Astonishing X-Men #7 (2005)
Cipher (Alisa Tager)
Invisibility, Phasing/Intangibility, Complete Stealth
Group Affiliations
Formerly Young X-Men
Current Status
Active: Young X-Men #8 (2008)
Cipher was a student who joined the Xavier Institute when it opened its doors to an expansive student body. Due to her invisibility powers, no one knew of her presence except Blindfold, with whom she conversed occasionally. She eventually revealed herself to Ink to persuade him to rejoin the Young X-Men team to fight the Y-Men.
Ink (Eric Gitter)
Ability to gain powers associated to tattoos on his body
Ink is not a mutant and his powers are granted by a mutant known as Leon Nunez
Group Affiliations
Formerly Young X-Men
Current Status
Active: Young X-Men #6 (2008)
Ink worked under the cyborg Donald Pierce who brought him in to join the Young X-Men team while disguised as Cyclops. Ink turned out to be a human who gained his powers from tattoos drawn by the mutant Leon Nunez and he left the team, before being persuaded by Cipher to rejoin the team to fight the Y-Men. When Dust was facing cell degradation, Ink used his powers to cure Dust, rendering himself comatose.
Graymalkin (Jonas Graymalkin)
Has a number of abilities that wax and wane with exposure to light such as night vision, super strength, enhanced agility and invulnerability
Group Affiliations
Formerly Young X-Men
Current Status
Active: Young X-Men #6 (2008)
Jonas was the only child born to Charles and Marcia Graymalkin. His family lived on the land where the Xavier Institute would eventually be built. Jonas was experimenting sexuality with another boy when he was in the act by his father. His father beat him unconscious and buried him alive. His mutant powers activated then, allowing him to fall into a state of suspended animation for 200 years until the destruction of the Xavier Institute at the hands of Bishop. He returned to start observing the Young X-Men team, eventually joining the team.
Title | Material collected | Date Released | ISBN |
Volume 1: Final Genesis | Young X-Men #1–5 | December 2008 | ISBN 0-7851-3154-X |
Volume 2: Book Of Revelations | Young X-Men #6–12, X-Men: Manifest Destiny #3 | June 2009 | ISBN 0-7851-3165-5 |

X-Men in Training
X-Men in Training
Surge (Noriko Ashida)
Prodigy (David Alleyne)
Dust (Sooraya Qadir)
Loa (Alani Ryan)
Stepford Cuckoos (Celeste, Mindee, Phoebe)
Martha Johansson, not considered X-Men in Training
Dust (Sooraya Qadir)
Loa (Alani Ryan)
Stepford Cuckoos (Celeste, Mindee, Phoebe)
Martha Johansson, not considered X-Men in Training
Hellion (Julian Keller)
Mercury (Cessily Kinclaid)
Rockslide (Santo Vaccaro)
Anole (Victor Borbowski)
Gentle (Nezhno Abidemi)
Match (Ben Hammil)
Indra (Paras Gavaskar)
Trance (Hope Abbott)
Bling (Roxy Washington)
Blindfold (Ruth Aldine)
Cipher (Alisa Tager)
Graymalkin (Jonas Greymalkin)
Ernst, not considered X-Men in Training
Elixir (Joshua Foley), left the Institute
Ink (Erik Gitter)
Shortly the messiah child called Hope returned from the future, 5 new mutants emerged for the first time in a long while. These new mutants seemed to struggle with their new-found powers until they were stabilized by Hope's touch. Hope brought these mutants, known as the Five Lights, in and organized them into a search-and-rescue team.
Team: Hope Summers, Transonic (Laurie Tromette), Velocidad (Gabriel Cohuelo), Oya (Idie Okonkwo), Primal (Teon Savko), Zero (Kenji Uedo)
Team: Hope Summers, Transonic (Laurie Tromette), Velocidad (Gabriel Cohuelo), Oya (Idie Okonkwo), Primal (Teon Savko), Zero (Kenji Uedo)
Following the schism between Cyclops and Wolverine, the latter established the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning. Many of the X-Men-in-Training joined Wolverine at his new school. A few, along with members of Hope's Five Lights, remained on Cyclops' side as recruits.
Post Avengers vs X-Men
After the Phoenix-possessed Cyclops was defeated and the Phoenix dispersed by Hope Summers and Scarlet Witch of the Avengers, Cyclops was captured. Utopia's students joined the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, along with the new mutants that emerged following the Phoenix's dispersal. Cyclops escaped and rebuild his team of X-Men, seeking out new mutants for his New Xavier School.
Post Avengers vs X-Men
After the Phoenix-possessed Cyclops was defeated and the Phoenix dispersed by Hope Summers and Scarlet Witch of the Avengers, Cyclops was captured. Utopia's students joined the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, along with the new mutants that emerged following the Phoenix's dispersal. Cyclops escaped and rebuild his team of X-Men, seeking out new mutants for his New Xavier School.